See: Description
Interface | Description |
AlternateConstructorInvocation |
An interface which represents alternate constructor invocation.
Annotation |
An abstract super interface of annotations.
AnnotationDeclaration |
An interface which represents annotation declaration.
AnnotationElement |
An interface which represents annotation name and its value pair.
AnnotationElementDeclaration |
An interface which represents annotation element declaration.
ArrayAccessExpression |
An interface which represents array access expression.
ArrayCreationExpression |
An interface which represents array creation expression.
ArrayInitializer |
An interface which represents the array initializer.
ArrayType |
An interface which represents array types.
AssertStatement |
An interface which represents assert statement.
AssignmentExpression |
An interface which represents assignment expression.
Attribute |
An abstract super interface of declaration modifiers or annotations.
BasicType |
An interface which represents basic types.
Block |
An interface which represents statement block.
BlockComment |
An interface which represents block comments.
BranchStatement |
An abstract super interface of branching statements.
BreakStatement |
An interface which represents break statement.
CastExpression |
An interface which represents type cast expression.
CatchClause |
An interface which represents catch clause.
ClassBody |
An interface which represents an anonymous class body.
ClassDeclaration |
An interface which represents class declarations.
ClassInstanceCreationExpression |
An interface which represents class instance creation expression.
ClassLiteral |
An interface which represents class literals.
Comment |
An abstract super interface of comments.
CompilationUnit |
An interface which represents compilation units.
ConditionalExpression |
An interface which represents conditional expression.
ConstructorDeclaration |
An interface which represents constructor declarations.
ConstructorInvocation |
An abstract super interface of constructor invocations.
ConstructorReferenceExpression |
An interface which represents method reference expressions only for constructors.
ContinueStatement |
An interface which represents continue statement.
DeclarationKind |
An abstract super interface of kind of declarations.
DocBlock |
An interface which represents blocks in documentation comments.
DocElement |
An abstract super interface of elements in documentation comments.
DocField |
An interface which represents field references in the documentation comments.
DocMethod |
An interface which represents method and constructor references in the documentation comments.
DocMethodParameter |
An interface which represents formal parameters in
DocMethod . |
DocText |
An interface which represents text in documentation comments.
DoStatement |
An interface which represents
do-while statement. |
EmptyStatement |
An interface which represents empty statement.
EnhancedForStatement |
An interface which represents enhanced for statement.
EnumConstantDeclaration |
An interface which represents enum constants.
EnumDeclaration |
An interface which represents enum type declarations.
Expression |
An abstract super interface of expressions.
ExpressionStatement |
An interface which represents expression statement.
FieldAccessExpression |
An interface which represents field access expressions.
FieldDeclaration |
An interface which represents field declarations.
ForInitializer |
An abstract super interface of initializer part of
for statement. |
FormalParameterDeclaration |
An interface which represents formal parameter declarations.
ForStatement |
An interface which represents for statement.
IfStatement |
An interface which represents if statement.
ImportDeclaration |
An interface which represents import declarations.
InfixExpression |
An interface which represents binary expression operator.
InitializerDeclaration |
An interface which represents instance or class initializers.
InstanceofExpression |
An interface which represents
instance of expression. |
InterfaceDeclaration |
An interface which represents interface type declarations.
Invocation |
An abstract super interface which refers executable elements.
Javadoc |
An interface which represents the Java documentation comment.
Keyword |
An abstract super interface of
super and this qualifiers (pseudo-expressions). |
LabeledStatement |
An interface which represents labeled statement.
LambdaBody |
An abstract super interface of lambda bodies.
LambdaExpression |
An abstract super interface of lambda expressions.
LambdaParameter |
An abstract super interface of lambda parameters.
LineComment |
An interface which represents line comments.
Literal |
An interface which represents literals.
LocalClassDeclaration |
An interface which represents local class declaration.
LocalVariableDeclaration |
An interface which represents local variable declaration.
MarkerAnnotation |
An interface which represents annotations without any annotation elements.
MethodDeclaration |
An interface which represents method declarations.
MethodInvocationExpression |
An interface which represents method invocation expressions.
MethodOrConstructorDeclaration |
An abstract super interface of method or constructor declarations.
MethodOrConstructorReferenceExpression |
An interface which represents method reference expressions.
MethodReferenceExpression |
An interface which represents method reference expressions.
Model |
A root interface of all Java DOM objects.
ModelFactory |
A factory for providing
Model objects. |
Modifier |
An interface which represents modifiers.
Name |
An abstract super interface of names.
NamedType |
An interface which represents types which can be identified by their name.
NormalAnnotation |
An interface which represents regular annotations which can have any annotation elements.
PackageDeclaration |
An interface which represents package declarations.
ParameterizedType |
An interface which represents parameterized types.
ParenthesizedExpression |
An interface which represents parenthesized expressions.
PostfixExpression |
An interface which represents postfix expressions.
QualifiedName |
An interface which represents qualified names.
QualifiedType |
An interface which represents qualified types.
ReturnStatement |
An interface which represents return statement.
SimpleName |
An interface which represents simple names.
SingleElementAnnotation |
An interface which represents single element annotations which only can have
value element. |
Statement |
An abstract super interface of statement.
StatementExpressionList |
An interface which represents expression list (in initializer part) of
for statement. |
Super |
An interface which represents
super qualifier (pseudo-expression). |
SuperConstructorInvocation |
An interface which represents super constructor statement.
SwitchCaseLabel |
* An interface which represents
case labels in switch statements. |
SwitchDefaultLabel |
An interface which represents
default labels in switch statements. |
SwitchLabel |
An abstract super interface of labels in switch statement.
SwitchStatement |
An interface which represents switch statement.
SynchronizedStatement |
An interface which represents synchronized statement.
This |
An interface which represents this keyword.
ThrowStatement |
An interface which represents throw statement.
TryResource |
An interface which represents try resources.
TryStatement |
An interface which represents try statement.
Type |
An abstract super interface of types.
TypeBodyDeclaration |
An abstract super interface of type member declarations.
TypeDeclaration |
An abstract super interface of type declarations.
TypedElement |
An abstract super interface of elements which have any type information.
TypeOrExpression |
Represents either
Type or Expression . |
TypeParameterDeclaration |
An interface which represents type parameter declarations.
UnaryExpression |
An interface which represents unary expressions.
UnionType |
An interface which represents union types.
VariableDeclarator |
An interface which represents variable declarators.
WhileStatement |
An interface which represents while statement.
Wildcard |
An interface which represents type wildcard.
Class | Description |
StrictVisitor<R,C,E extends Throwable> |
An implementation of
Visitor which raises UnsupportedOperationException in all methods. |
Visitor<R,C,E extends Throwable> |
Visitor for
Model . |
Enum | Description |
BasicTypeKind |
Represents a kind of basic type.
ExecutableKind |
Represents a kind of executable type members.
FieldKind |
Represents a kind of fields.
ImportKind |
Represents a kind of
import declarations. |
ImportKind.Range |
Represents a kind of import scope.
ImportKind.Target |
Represents a kind of import target.
InfixOperator |
Represents infix operators.
LiteralKind |
Represents a kind of literals.
ModelKind |
Represents a kind of
Model . |
ModifierKind |
Represents a kind of declaration modifiers.
ObjectTypeKind |
Represents a kind of type declarations.
PostfixOperator |
Represents postfix operators.
PropertyKind |
Represents a kind of properties in
Model . |
UnaryOperator |
Represents unary operators.
UnaryOperator.Category |
Represents an operator kind.
WildcardBoundKind |
Represents a kind of wildcard type bounds.
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